A Mission To Develop & Deploy
Safer, Smarter, More Dignified Sanitation


Globally, 2.6Bn people lack safe toilet access, and 1Bn defecate openly. Chronic under-investment into sanitation infrastructure means people in many poor and vulnerable communities live with their sewage. With no toilets or pipes, there is no way to flush.

change:WATER Labs is developing a low-cost, compact, waterless toilet for non-sewered households and communities.


Women & Girls

Within the 40% of the world who lack proper access to sanitation, a deeper problem lies for women and girls. 20%-40% of girls drop out of school because of inaccessible or inappropriate toilets. In many areas, women and girls are at risk of assault and violence with their current solution. change:WATER is particularly motivated to help develop solutions for this subset.

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oFF-gRID & Vulnerable

Refugees, indigenous groups, and communities in need that are completely off-grid are left with few ineffective - often dangerous - options to deal with their lack of proper sanitation. In many camps and disaster-relief arenas, aid agencies struggle to mount acceptable responses to the immediate pressures of providing safe sanitation. For the growing number of post-crisis situations in urban and coastal areas, which displace around 25-50 million people per year, there are no good options for rapid-response sanitation.

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